How to make roasted Cauliflower Avocado Toast with in 20 mins.

How to make roasted Cauliflower Avocado Toast with in 20 mins.

Disappointed you can’t keep up with the trend of avocado toast? Have no fear, this swap is a tasty, crunchy nutrient-rich breakfast that’s full of healthy fats to help keep you full and focused throughout the day!
• Hands-On Time: 15 minutes
• Cook Time: 8 minutes

1 (12-ounce) steamer bag cauliflower
1 large egg
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 ripe medium avocado
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Cauliflower Avocado Toast

Directions for 20 mins Cauliflower Avocado Toast .

1  Cook cauliflower according to package instructions. Remove from bag and place into cheesecloth or clean towel to remove excess moisture.
2  Place cauliflower into a large bowl and mix in egg and mozzarella. Cut a piece of parchment to fit your air fryer basket. Separate the cauliflower mixture into two, and place it on the parchment in two mounds. Press out the cauliflower mounds into a 1/4"-thick rectangle. Place the parchment into the air fryer basket.
3  Adjust the temperature to 400°F and set the timer for 8 minutes.
4  Flip the cauliflower halfway through the cooking time.
5  When the timer beeps, remove the parchment and allow the cauliflower to cool 5 minutes.
6  Cut open the avocado and remove the pit. Scoop out the inside, place it in a medium bowl, and mash it with garlic powder and pepper. Spread onto the cauliflower. Serve immediately.

Per serving for Cauliflower Avocado Toast .


PROTEIN: 14.1 g
FIBER: 8.2 g
FAT: 15.6 g
SODIUM: 267 mg

SUGAR: 3.9 g


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